2024-06. NAFWS Application Continuing Autorization Resolution of 2024
A Resolution of the Council of the Upper Mattaponi Tribe authorizing the Chief of the Upper Mattaponi Tribe to apply on behalf of the Tribe for membership in the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society; authorizing the payment of application fees; granting continuing authorization; and providing an effective date and for duration of the Resolution.
At a duly called Regular Meeting of the Council held this 22 day of June, 2024, the following Resolution and Law were adopted.
WHEREAS, The Upper Mattaponi Tribe (the "Tribe") is a Federally recognized Indian tribe as reaffirmed by the United States Congress in Public Law 115-121 of January 29, 2018; and
WHEREAS, The Tribe, located in King William, Virginia, desires to promote the protection and preservation of its fish and wildlife resources through proper management for the use of its citizens and future generations; and
WHEREAS, The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society ("NAFWS") was incorporated in 1983 to develop a national communications network for the exchange of information and management techniques related to self-determined tribal fish and wildlife management; and
WHEREAS, The NAFWS can assist the Tribe directly in:
1. Establishing new fish and wildlife programs;
2. Protection of treaty fish and wildlife rights and resources;
3. Obtaining funding for Tribal fish and wildlife programs;
4. Educating and training Indian fish and wildlife biologists;
5. Representing future tribal fish and wildlife needs through the national Congress process; and
6. Promoting Tribal management capabilities on a national level through an exchange of information via newsletters, technical bulletins, and a journal of Tribal fish and wildlife management; and
WHEREAS, The Tribe fully supports the efforts and activities of the NAFWS as stated above and in the Society's Articles of Incorporations; and
WHEREAS, In order to benefit from the above listed services, membership in the Society is required, which includes a monetary donation and application annually to the NAFWS; and
WHEREAS, The Chief of the Upper Mattaponi Tribe or designee is best suited to ensure the management of the Tribe's membership in the NAFWS;
Section 1. Short Title.
This Resolution shall be known and may be cited as the "NAFWS Application Continuing Authorization Resolution of 2024."
Section 2. Continuing Authorization.
The Chief of the Upper Mattaponi Tribe or designee is hereby authorized to apply for membership in the NAFWS and pay the applicable $250.00 donation for membership on a continuing annual basis for so long as this Resolution remains in effect
Section 3. Effective Date and Duration.
This Resolution shall be in force and of effect immediately upon its passage and approval and shall remain in effect until such time as it is amended, repealed, or superseded by applicable law
The foregoing Resolution was duly voted upon by the Council on the 22 day of June, 2024, at a Regular Meeting with a vote of 5 in favor and 0 opposed, 0 abstaining, and 2 absent, pursuant to the authority vested in the Council by the Constitution of the Tribe.